Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Recognition highly contributes to employee happiness

 If bosses would know how much it contributes to their employees' happiness to recognise them, they would practice it more often. Some people underestimate or ignore the positive effect recognition can have on relationships, employee engagement and happiness. Moreover, in opposite to criticism, acts of recognition can generate even more positive changes in the employee. 

Receiving recognition from job colleagues is also very enriching for the work climate. When an employee is recognized, is also been acknowledged about something good he/she did. It demonstrates that others see what he/she is doing. Likewise, this awakes a sensation of belonging and being important to the group.

Furthermore, special recognition moments increase the amount of positive feelings this act generates. For instance, when the CEO, or the general manager calls the employee to his office to congratulate him/her. Equally, when, as a special occasion, the staff gathers to give recognition to a colleague.

On the other hand, a lack of recognition could frustrate and demotivate an employee. It has often happened that a worker loses an opportunity to get a higher job position because of the lack of recognition of his/her talents. There is also the case of bosses who concentrate too much in their subordinate's mistakes. Indeed they seem to be blind to the tasks their employees successfully develop, since this is considered part of the job description. Therefore some employees’ good performance is given for granted. 

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